About the Climate HelpDesk

Connecting members with world-class experts and peers on low emission development and NDC implementation. The Climate Helpdesk provides targeted technical assistance to developing countries, government agencies and other members to advance ambitious climate action.

To request support, please send an email to alpsecretariat@iclei.org.

Technical Assistance: Emission Reduction tool for Trade and Development Bank, Mongolia:

Interview with Trade and Development Bank, Mongolia. With technical support from South Pole, an emission reduction tool was developed to help the Bank in recognizing and classifying green loans by estimating possible GHG emission reduction from each project.

Technical Assistance: Chiang Mai Municipality- Increasing ridership of public transport:

Interview with Chiang Mai Municipality, Thailand. With technical support from SLOCAT and Chiang Mai University, a study was conducted to assess the improvements that the Municipality could make in the public transport system to increase ridership.