Leadership Group for Clean Transport in Asia (LG-CTA)

The Asia LEDS Partnership (hosted by ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, South Asia) in collaboration with the Global Climate Action Partnership (formerly LEDS Global Partnership), along with technical partners National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL, a US Department of Energy federal lab), SLOCAT Partnership (SLOCAT) established the ‘Leadership Group for Clean Transport in Asia’ (LG-CTA; formerly, Asia Clean Mobility High Ambition Leadership Group). University of California Davis Institute of Transportation Studies has also been providing technical support to member countries through online training series since the last few months.
The objective of this platform is to take a multilateral approach in the Asia-Pacific region towards ambitious efforts leading to decarbonization of the transport sector and enhancement of sustainable economies. Participation in LG-CTA activities exclusive to member countries and officials appointed by the Point of Contacts within those countries. All initiatives are designed to foster regional synergy, while leading to impacts on policy and project implementation. Technical themes are limited to transport and associated sectors (energy and buildings) and those that are prioritized by members. All activities are multilateral: • Multilateral Capacity Building Workshops • Multilateral Technical Trainings • Multilateral Technical Study Tours • Multilateral Peer Learning, Sharing Good Practices.

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